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Your World Is An Amazing Place
A revamped set of the IDs below, with SBS bringing back the phrase 'Your world is an amazing place'. These IDs were shown in full 16:9 letterbox on analogue TVs.
337KB RV8 Chris
SBS totally revamped its station for the first time in at least half a decade. These idents are of people's faces, and go for about 10 seconds each. The '1' idents are used straight after a program, and the '2' idents are used directly before the next program starts.
257KB Stephen 1
245KB Stephen 2
269KB Kitty 1
252KB Kitty 2
272KB Carly 1
266KB Carly 2

In early 2001 SBS released a number of idents featuring surfboards (shape of one of the SBS bits). They all only go for about 5 secs.
426KB Market
423KB City
The World Is An Amazing Place
This ident used the music and filmclip of the song 'Sweet Lullaby' by Deep Forest. There is an ident which goes for about 3 mins (the length of the full song). The short idents were replaced by the above ident in early 2001, although the long ident was still used occasionally.
365KB Great Wall Of China (Short)
Another wierd series of idents for SBS, showcasing mechanical things.
126KB Robot Alien Evan Davies
These idents were nice, with an icy water look to them. They were used around 1999.
21.9KB Blue Fintan O'Mahony
20.2KB Green Fintan O'Mahony

This ident was used around 1998. It features an un-natural flower.
33.3KB Flower Fintan O'Mahony
These idents were used around 1997. There were idents featuring snakes, scorpians and more.
40.4KB Snake Fintan O'Mahony
This ident was the last 'normal' ident SBS have really had, ending with the new full-colour SBS logo.
32.8KB African (Short) Fintan O'Mahony
This ident used the SBS logo established in the 1980's. The music tune was carried on to the ident after it (above).
941KB Generic Evan Davis


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